Limited Editions

Reclining Nude

The John F Gardner Limited Editions are sought after pieces that have finished their journey, housed pride-of-place, in homes throughout the world.

He creates various pieces that will be show-cased on this page and also does considerable commissioned work for individuals, organisations and companies.

John's current limited edition of 10 reclining nudes, have sold exceptionally well and there are only a few left for the discerning art collector. Should you be interested please contact John.

The 'Legends of Africa' series has been incredibly successful. Four of the series grace the entrance the world renowned Pezula Hotel and Spa in Knysna, South Africa. The hotel collects significant South African artworks, which it displays for all to enjoy.

A reclining nude has been made into a concrete sculpture 2m long. Over 300kg of river sand and white cement were used. The sculpture lies alongside the Hout Bay River that runs at the back of Table Mountain (Cape Town - South Africa). This was created for the 25 year celebration of a major wetland restoration project. The sculpture symbolises the creation and regeneration of life.